What Type Of Chocolate Melts Faster? : Dark,milk Or White?


24 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think dark chocolate melts faster because it attracts more heat
Kirra Donovan Profile
Kirra Donovan answered

I did this experiment for a school assignment and white chocolate melts the fastest, followed by milk chocolate, and then dark chocolate.

This is because white chocolate has the most fat in it compared to milk and dark :)

Lynne Dwyer Profile
Lynne Dwyer answered
Pretty much, all at the same rate. A huge variance would be the brand of chocolate. A brand higher in fat or oil would melt quicker.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think that dark chocolate will melt the fas-tes because dark stuff contains more heat than white and bright so I think dark will melt first
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm pretty sure its white chocolate because it contains more fat
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Milk chocolate because it contains milk =) then dark chocolate because it attracts heat and white chocolate doesnt melt, it turns doughy
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Milk chocolate melts at approx. 3min 36sec at boiling point. White chocolate melts at approx. 4min at boiling point. Dark chocolate melts at approx. 4min 08sec at boiling point.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm not sure which melts quicker but I no dark melts better and stays melted longer!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
White chocolate melted faster for me,. I did an experiment! Then dark then milk. No idea why. Trying to figure that out!
laurie gregory Profile
laurie gregory answered
Probably milk, white is very temperamental and has to be watched.  I do most in the microwave but white over a double boiler.  Dark is the healthiest for you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I'm not sure I'm doing a paper on why white is better than dark but I can't find a fact some say dark melts faster or vise versa
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am doing a project too about chocolate so please help!!!...I  need to know why one melts more than the other...the chocolates I am melting are..milk, white, dark, and semi-sweet....I NEED HELP!!!

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