
What Foods Can You Eat With Stomach Flu?


4 Answers

wilbert u can call me sue Profile
With the stomach flu, a lot of foods are hard to digest which may cause regurgitation, vomiting, I strongly recommend lots of clear liquids so you don't dehydrate and ginger ale, as it not only will keep your blood sugar up, giving your strength, but contains ginger which is wonderful for settling stomachs.  My dad used to always give us the good ole Temmagami Dry and an aspirin when we got the flu - ginger is also a great natural antacid, whether fresh, ground, or candied, like chocolate covered like I have a stock and candies, have some of that too.  Take care, plenty of rest, and if you find you can't keep anything down, try dry toast or soda biscuits, and soup stock for nourishment.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Soups like chicken noodle soup and ginger ale is very good for stomach flu :) make sure you get better by using some of these ideas
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
BRAT foods: Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast is usually best(: For me it helps if its reallyyy dry, crunchy toast with butter.

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