
HOw Long Will Cooked Hamburger Stay Fresh At Room Temperature?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Would not leave it out of the fridge more than about 20 minutes and make sure it is covered.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Lets c packing house 20 minets unrefrigerated,  distributer unloading a trailer of meat 1.5 hour es then putting it in the refrigerator, ooops its lunch time union rools 1 houre lunch stop work 2.5 hours unrefrigerated ,next wholesaler orders meat meat sits on the dock for 2 hours while wholesaler loads his unrefrigerated truck 2 hours next wholesaler  delivers to 7 stops 3 hours on a perfect day no traffic. 8 th stop receves meat, its a restraunt and its three oclock every on is on break till 5  so 2 more hours, 5 oclock prep chef checks in delivery and trims and seasones, lets say  8 lamb legs four dinner time. Now its 7 oclock time to put meat in the oven from when the wholesaler orderd the meat till the chef put it in the oven 10-am to -7 pm it has bin 9 hours, but keep in mind the meat is in a box with other meats so it takes longer for it to get to room the next time you go out to dinner and the food was great but the next day you have a episode of a little di area,now you no why,
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
How many house wifes go grossery shopping and then run diffrent arons and finnaly go home and refrigerate there grocery also some stores  or restraunts buy there meat from produce supplyers without refrigerated trucks and it can be in the truck in 90 degree weather four 4-6 hours, on the dock four 2 hours, and when there suplyer purchases the meat it can sit on the distributers dock for a couple of hours, so realistically it can last a long time but you hal-ft to no the inner temp of the meat the warmer it gets the faster bacteria grows if meat has bin out a long time 3-4 5- hourses cook it well done.

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