
Unopened Corn Meal Passed Expiration Date, Is It Safe?


2 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If the unopened package is in a fully sealed liner bag with no small tears or breaks, has not gotten wet it may still be safe if the actual date is close to the expiration date marked on the package.  Do the sniff test.  Does it smell rancid?  Does it look like it should? The final test is to pour all the contents into a bowl and inspect it carefully for mealy bugs, worms, or shed worm skins.  If the package has gotten wet or had been stored in a damp place, it could be growing mold which you do not want under any circumstances.  If this is the case, don't even open it, and just  toss it out.  There have been many reported incidents of death by asthma by ingesting and or breathing moldy foods.

If your corn meal has included leavening to make it rise you could have a poor performance with older stock.

If it passes all these tests, go ahead and use it.  Taste will tell.  If still in doubt, throw it out.

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