Water evaporates faster because it has less compounds to break down before it actually gets to the original compound it was made of which is water
Coke because it will turn to a syrupy like liquid after the liquid that is coke evaporates.
Coke will
Orange juice will evaporate the fastest. I did the porject so trust me on this
Orange juice
Water because it has less compounds and also because jucie has sugar which makes it thick and milk has particles which also makes it thick...
Water will evaporate faster
I think water will evaporate faster than anything expect for alcohol
Water will evaporate fastest
Water will because its purer
Orange juice
I would think probably water !
Water evaporates faster because its hydrogen bond breaks easily as compare to other
Coke will evaporate the fastest
I think that the water will evaporate the fastest so what do you think here are your choices water juice or soda
My daughter did a science project on the very same thing. Apple Juice evaporates faster than milk and water. We poured 3 ounces of each beverage into a measuring glass. After 4 days, the apple juice had evaporate to 2.5 ounces compared to the water's evaporation of 2.8 ounces and no evaporation of milk. All liquids evaporated at room temperature.
I don't know science project =[
Well water will because when water is wet on the sidewalk it goes and turns into clouds that is evaporation!
Water freezes faster
Is liquid juice and water the same thing