What Foods Can You Eat Without Your Gall Bladder?


15 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Here is a list of high risk foods to avoid: Fast foods, oily foods, spicy foods, red meats, eggs, pork, onions, fowl, milk, corn, beans and nuts. Though this list might look daunting, you can make tons of delicious entrees with the following list!
The following is a list of recommended foods to eat: Alfalfa, apples, artichokes, barley, beets, broccoli, carrots, celery, fennel, grapefruit, horseradish, lemons, mustard greens, olive oil radishes, spinach greens, water chestnuts, watermelon and garlic. However, most people are not vegetarians and love meat! If this is the case, we would recommend meats such as chicken, turkey and fish. These meats are very low in cholesterol but should be supplemented with fruits and vegetables (fiber).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Is there anyway I can get a specific suggested grocery list of foods available to eat for family without gallbladders?
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You can take any food after gall bladder removal but restrict fats in take because in the absence of gall bladder which contains biles, fats are not digested completely. The bile is poured directly to intestine. So you can eat vegetables and fruits but avoid fats.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Definitely nothing greasy! For a few months at least! I had that procedure done 11 years ago, and still, if I eat something overly greasy I have GI problems. Trust me its not worth it! Stick with healthy things salads, pasta, grains, meats with minuscule amounts of fat in them.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had my gallbladder removed 2 years ago and I was told that I can eat any foods however, try and avoid super spicy foods as well as extremely fatty foods.  Your mother will now have a constant trickle of bile from her system rather than bile building up and then being released when fatty food is eaten.  I find that when I have very fatty or spicy food now, within minutes of eating, I will need to go to the toilet.  So, where it can be avoided, I try and steer clear of these sort of foods, so that I don't feel yuk!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
January 17th 2010 I had my Gall Bladder removed along with Gall stones size of marbles. I'm really scared on any thing I eat. I'm vary healthily, I was told that the fatty in take will go to my liver. I haven't been hungry much, but I do eat. I eat peanut butter sandwiches, cheerios and Hershey's special dark chocolate candy bars. I really would like to know other foods that I could eat with out  making any thing else worse. Thank you for you time on helping me with my question.
patrick mc mullan Profile
The gall bladder is a reservoir for bile which empties into the tummy to help in the digestion of fatty food. So a reduced fat intake would reduce the need for bile.
Dar Profile
Dar answered
I didn't change my eating habits, But some things will go through you faster than others. Gravy and greasy foods especially for me. Just enjoy your food.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I am experiencing gull bladder attacks and my doctor has put me on a low/ no fat diet and I would like to know some foods I could eat?
R Maye Profile
R Maye answered
Eat Fruits and vegetables. Eat baked or broiled chicken. Eat broths or bullions. Breads and grains are good. Stay away from fast food: Fries, onion rings, burgers, fried chicken, etc.
patrick mc mullan Profile
The gall bladder is basically a reserve pouch which holds bile. When you eat fatty foods bile is released into the small intestine to help with digestion. However, when it has been removed it makes little difference as the bile which originates in the liver is still directed to the gut as the surgeon will have anastamosed , or rejoined the tubing after the bladder has been removed. Don't worry.:)
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I had my gallbladder removed 2 weeks ago I sometimes still get a bit of pain after eating why
mai Vang Profile
mai Vang answered
I agree with Deek575 and padraig. Just eat the food you normally eat and try to stay healthy. Gallbladder is just an extra pouch that holds bile like padraig said. It makes no difference whether you have it or not. Many ppl go into surgery for something else but have their gallbladder removed as well. Oh yeah keep in mind, same thing with your appendix and tonsils, it's just an extra part in your body you don't really need but just there.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hopefully, your doctor would have told you these things.  Have you asked?  Do you have follow-ups?  Even if you don't, please, make an appointment and ask him/her.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I no longer have my gull bladder it was removed a year in april and now it feels like I have the same problem again what can I do to help stop this meaning foods

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