Are black spotted peaches ok to eat
The black spots on the peach fruit can be peach scab which is a fungal disease. It affects peach fruit superficially but many spots damage the fruit. It also affect leaves. It can be treated by spraying captan & wettable sulfur provide which are anti fungal.
Hi buddy!
There are very few peach trees which have such issues and these spots are known as coryneum blight, or called shothole disease. This disease is more common in apricots but few peach trees also show these spots. These can be treated with Bordeaux mixture, fixed copper sulfate, captan or ziram. For more details click on the link:
Peach trees care
There are very few peach trees which have such issues and these spots are known as coryneum blight, or called shothole disease. This disease is more common in apricots but few peach trees also show these spots. These can be treated with Bordeaux mixture, fixed copper sulfate, captan or ziram. For more details click on the link:
Peach trees care
I have dwarf peach tree it has black spots on peaches this is first year for fruit when am I suppose to spray it and with what