Can You Explain How An Energy Pyramid Shows The Flow Of Energy In A Food Chain Or Food Web?


4 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
They show that the energy decreases as you move up the pyramid at each trophic level, since the bar thing gets shorter, hence forming a pyramid shape.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, and no it shows the amount of energy that moves from one tropic level to another. The mosr energy is available at the producer level of the pyramid. It go's decomposers at the bottom which is mushrooms and fugi ext. And then producers which is plants grass ext. Then primary consumers which is what eats the plants and grass, like bunny's and cows and stuff then comes Secondary consumers which is what eats the bunnys and cows so like fox eats bunny ext. Then at the top it is Tertigry consumers which is what eats the fox like wolf or hawk ext. Like that! Just look at google for examples and stuff.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It tells tells amount of food that should be eaten and which is healthy
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Explain energy pyramid

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