
How Is Milk Separated Into Different Parts? Show Diagram Please


1 Answers

Connor Sephton Profile
Connor Sephton answered
Here is a diagram that may help:

There are two ways that you can separate milk into different parts; using gravity or using a centrifuge.
  • Using gravity
To separate milk using gravity, you will need to have an adequate amount of time on your hands. Once you have your fresh milk, you will need to pour it into a flat dish to begin the process. You should also note whether or not this milk has been homogenized beforehand. If it has, you will not be able to separate it.

The principle behind using gravity to separate milk and cream is that liquids and sediments are separated from each other naturally over time. Take the dish containing your milk and leave it cool conditions for up to 24 hours.

Once you have done this, you will find that the milk and cream have separated from each other, and the cream now resides at the top of the dish. Scrape this away carefully with a spoon so as not to mix the milk and cream back together again. Then put the cream into the refrigerator and you have officially separated milk. Enjoy in moderation however, because this cream will have around 25 per cent fat.
  • Centrifuge
Using a centrifuge to separate milk will be much faster than letting gravity do the work, but centrifuges aren't exactly something you will have just lying around the house. Pour the milk you have into the machine and activate it once this step is done. The centrifuge will then spin the milk around in circles at a fast rate.

It separates the milk from the cream by moving the denser milk to one end of the machine and moving the lighter material of cream to the other. These two materials will then be separated into two different containers for you to collect once done.

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