Don't recall any sider with pinchers, fangs yes, pinchers, no. If your're referring to the first set of legs nearest the head those are the pedipaps. Sort of touchie, feelie, tastie appendages as well as legs. If it was a shiney black spider with a large abdomen, chances are that it's a Black Widow and you DON'T want and or need her as a roomie.
Spray deodorant or hair spray, even a direct shot of PAM will take care of her.
Even then, don't touch. Black Widow bites very painful and can be fatal. I wouldn't trust a wad of TP or even a paper towel to remover her. Unless you squish her throughly, use a piece of cardboard to scoop her up. She may not be (quite) as dead as she looks and if you Google a picture of them, you'll see her fangs are impressive.
If you can't find her, drag out your vacume cleaner and go over the couch, between &
under seat cushions, even the couch underside if you can...any little dark place where she could be. After that, keep an eye open for what looks like an explosion in a spider web factory. Black Widow 'webs' are little more than a bunch of silk strands going every which way. She's a messy house-keeper as well as a nasty neighbor.