
How Long Does It Take For Your Body To Metabolize An Egg Once Digested?


3 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
If you digest and egg then it has already been metabolized.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It takes your body about 12 hours to digest food. Bowel movements tell you if your system is working too fast (loose stool) or too slow (hard stool). It's just right when your feces is the color of cardboard and soft. Undigested food matter in your feces means things are moving too fast. If you want to check yourself, eat beats then wait until the next bowel movement. Your feces will be red like blood and it will turn the toilet water red. Then you will know the time it takes to digest a beat. An egg may take more or less time, but should be about the same. Off course if you eat something that the body can metabolize easily then follow it up with something the body doesn't like, your body will purge the system - watery loose feces. In other words, what you put in the top triggers what happens at the bottom.
Healthcare birla Profile
It only depends on your metabolism. But Boiled egg can increase the efficiency of metabolism. So make it as abreakfast meal to keep yourself healthy.

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