All new lumps should be examined by a veterinarian. The shoulder area is a common area for vaccinations to be administered. For 12-24 hours after a vaccination you may feel a small, grape sized, non-painful lump under the skin--this should resolve quickly. If this lump is larger than a grape, firm, painful, or your dog is feeling off he should be examined by your veterinarian.
Vaccines do not typically cause anything very superficial that can be "ripped off . . like a pancake" as vaccines are given in the subcutaneous tissue (the fat and connective tissue under the skin between the skin and the muscle). I would recommend having this lump checked out by your veterinarian.
Vaccines do not typically cause anything very superficial that can be "ripped off . . like a pancake" as vaccines are given in the subcutaneous tissue (the fat and connective tissue under the skin between the skin and the muscle). I would recommend having this lump checked out by your veterinarian.