Would You Eat An Anchovy For $100, $500, $1,000, Or $10,000?


8 Answers

Susan Bohl Profile
Susan Bohl answered
Actually, a plain one would be $10,000 plus.  I've eaten them disguised in so many things though, like Caesar salad dressing, that I would probably miss out on the payout!  I just remembered, I ate plain ones (to be polite), at my friend's house when they made authentic antipasto.  I think I can still taste it!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Hey, give me any amount, and I'd probably have it.  I've been on two cruises, and both times, I have thought about having the pizza with it on since it wouldn't cost me anything to try it and if I didn't like it, I could just through it out and get something else.  So, any amount of money would be enough to push me over the edge of whether I try it or not.
paul williams Profile
paul williams answered
Never had it but for 500 or more i would.
Michael Regenauer Profile
Years ago a friend working for Nabisco, brought home some new
products, canned cheese which was good and then a can of Anchovy.
He sprayed it on crackers for us and like a bunch of them we all ate
them. We all got sick except for the Nabisco guy. Today I would need
$100,000 and a bottle of that syrup stuff you drink when you learn
you've just been poisoned. We are still looking for that Nabisco guy,
and when we find him we are going to water board him.
Chris ???? Profile
Chris ???? answered
For Ten thousand dollars, their isn't much I will not eat.
thanked the writer.
Jacquelyn Mathis
Jacquelyn Mathis commented
Did you ever think about Fear Factor? lol
Chris ????
Chris ???? commented
Yes tigger I did. There are things I will not eat on that show. Ok there are many things I will not eat but I'm sure there is something for me.
Rachele Grover Profile
Rachele Grover answered
For 10,000 or even less I would try and eat some.  Are they like sardines, if they are they are yummy then.
moodie madd Profile
moodie madd answered
Well really any of those, the highest price someone will offer. On the other hand a couple of my relatives just eat them in there salads an stuff. EUWWWW!!!!!!

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