I don't think it is actually healthier to eat warmer foods during the winter. I think it is just because we are cold and it is cold outside, that we want warmer food to stay warm.
It is quite easy to go straight to the hot chocolate and warm cookies. However there are plenty of foods that can leave that warm feeling long after eating them and still be healthy -
- Sweet Potatoes - They are full off fibre, carbohydrates, vitamin A and C, plus a good source of minerals such as maganese and cooper. So you can have them boiled, baked in a soup it is all good!
Spinach - full of antioxidants which will perk you up and keep those winter blues at bay. It is also a good source of iron and calcium.
- Sesame seeds - they are best eaten after a meal as it aides digestion. They are a good source of minerals like magnesium, iron, manganese and copper. They are said to produce heat within our bodies.
- Peanuts - once again they are full of antioxidants, vitamin E and B3 not to mention good for the heart.
Oily Fish - They are a good source of vitamin D and omega 3, which will help you replenish your lower vitamin D levels and serotonin that will help to prevent mood swings.
- Pomegranate - they will boost your immune system as it is full of antioxidants, calcium and phosphorus.
Drinks are also important during the winter herbal teas are especially good at keeping you warm, why not try a ginger tea.
Try to avoid eating deep fried foods, they are not healthy any time of the year but you will notice them when you pull out the swimming costume in the summer!