Canary seed milk will not have any affect on weight loss. In fact, almost all products that are pushed to assist in weight loss are absolutely useless. There is a very simple way to lose weight that is 100% guaranteed to work, and I'll walk you through it below.
The most important thing about weight loss is knowing how many calories your body needs per day. You can work out your figure really easily by using the calculator found at The calculator will tell you exactly how many calories to eat per day in order to lose a certain amount of weight per week.
The way it works is that 3500 calories is equal to 1 lb of fat. Therefore, to lose 1 lb of fat per week you would need to consume 500 calories less than your usual daily calorie requirement. 500 calories x 7 days = 3500 calories.
For example, if the calculator tells you that you need 2500 calories per day to maintain your current weight, you'd subtract 500 calories from that total to ensure that you lost 1 lb per week. 2500 - 500 = 2000 calories per day.
It really is that simple. You can eat whatever you want to eat as long as you only eat the amount of calories the calculator tells you to.