
Just had the most incredible rawfood experience...fresh chopped vegetables served in a bowl with a dressing...anyone know what this called?


1 Answers

Ray Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

In my experience such food is usually referred to as "salad" and the dressing is called "salad dressing".

Sometimes a "salad" might have a special name - e.g. A salad with a Caesar dressing is called a Caesar salad.

A salad with apples and walnuts may be a "Waldorf Salad"**.

Salads consisting of very large chunky vegetables may be referred to as "Crudités".

Vegetables chopped very finely and slathered in mayonnaise (or worse, salad cream) may be called "coleslaw".

** note that no Waldorfs are required (with apologies to Basil Fawlty).

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