I was in the USA IN 1996 & the Big Mac was so much smaller than the Australian version. Have the Macca burgers being shrinking in the USA?


3 Answers

Woof Woofy Profile
Woof Woofy answered

Not familiar with McDonald's menu since I never went there much but I did notice that their regular burgers like the Mcdouble have shrunken in size over the past 15 years. 

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

Haven't seen or eaten a Big Mac in years but I've been around people that do and    I surely noticed the smaller size now. I think it's that way just about with all the burger joints nowadays with the exception of Carl's Jr that seems to be making theirs as large as ever. I think they're called Hardee's elsewhere in the country. The only fast food place that I will bother with eating at.

Charles Davis Profile
Charles Davis answered

Something I notice in American marketing, is they start shrinking the size of items, raise the the price and then market it as a new larger portion, bringing it back to the original size. I've been seeing this on many items over the last 30 years.

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