Better Leftovers: Christmas or Thanksgiving?


6 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

As long as there is leftover pie, I don't care what holiday it was! Gimme that pie!

Cookie Roma Profile
Cookie Roma answered

For me it's thanksgiving.  I had a good amount of dark turkey meat left.  A few weeks later I used it to make this amazing frittata for dinner.  SOOOOO YUMMY.

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

I have to say thanksgiving, I love turkey....white meat only please.....and mashed potatoes, and sweet potatoes, and green beans....oh geez I'm hungry now!

Ray Dart Profile
Ray Dart answered

To re-use someone else's joke. All leftovers are good. I was fed exclusively leftovers as a boy. The original meal was never found...

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