I nominate myself to be Blurtits WORST cook! LOL!
I suck something awful as a cook, but I still nominate myself.
Worst 😨I have no skillet, no pots or pans.
Best my Granny she never used a recipe or cookbook and she cooked for 40 + family + the whole neighbor and then some.
My mom was THE best.
My second wife was the worst. The kids used to cringe when she cooked.
Worst cook was my mom ... She made me eat weird things like hot dogs and beans ... And pizza hot dogs ... That was a hot dog bun .. Hot dog sliced in half with jar sauce and a plasticky cheese slice ... It was so aweful. Best cook my grandma :) she used to make me corn fritters and broccoli cauliflower cheese casserole :) soooo good :) it wasn't plastic cheese either.