Carmel Popcorn Balls.
Candy corn for me please. I love that stuff.
Candy Corn ♥
My grandfather, a pediatrician back in the 1950s and 60s had a cute candy-corn gag for coaxing his kiddie patients with: If they would let him give them their polio shot they could have a candy corn. He'd put some candy corn in an envelope, licked and sealed it, and after their shot he'd tell the small child "there's a cute tiny mousy in the envelope, see?" Tearing a tiny corner off he'd then push a kernel down to the hole, white tip first, so you could see just the tip of it. Then he'd squeak in a falsetto and ask the kid to take the mouse out.
Worked every time. Happy Halloween.
Both please!
Popcorn balls for sure. Can't stand candy corn.
I'm going for the popcorn. I seem to recall, as a young Baldwin, liking candy corn. Had an opportunity to eat some a bit ago, and either I had no taste in candy at all as a youth, or they changed the formula sometime after my youth. That stuff was TERRIBLE!
Popcorn balls
Popcorn Balls Please......