11 Answers

Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

I AM A COFFEE FREAK!!! If I wasn't married I would have probably married my Keurig! I have to have coffee. I'm picky on my coffee but gotta have it... I mean like hook me up to an IV attached to a coffee line!!! 😅😅😅😅

As much as I hate to admit... (ESPECIALLY knowing the prices) (yin hangs her head in shame) the local Starbucks knows my order when I walk in...... But not my name completely yet!!!! 😅

Mountain  Man Profile
Mountain Man answered

I gotta have my coffee. . I drink 3 or 4 cups of Chock Full O' Nuts 100% Columbian in the morning.

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Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
I always wondered how that coffee tasted. Does it have a nutty undertone?
Mountain  Man
Mountain Man commented
You're welcome Darren.
Mountain  Man
Mountain Man commented
Nope! No nuts or nutty taste Yin. The company started selling peanuts at NYC baseball games. Then started selling their own brand of coffee and never changed the name. I've been hooked on that brand for about 15 years.
Flora Huang Profile
Flora Huang answered

I like Frappuccino 

LighterMan Down Profile
LighterMan Down answered

I had coffee today so I celebrated in away .

Skip  Gentry Profile
Skip Gentry answered

Yes it's a good day! I drink 3 to 4 cups in the morning. I switch between Folgers and Maxwell House. Honestly, I can't tell the difference between the two. I go for the Breakfast blend or the  Light Roast. I don't like my coffee strong.

5 People thanked the writer.
Dances With  Wolves
Hello Skip. Thank you for sharing your answer with us, well appreciated :) I hope your day is going good for you :) Yes i like mostly Maxwell Masterblend Light or Maxwell House Original and sometimes i will drink Folgers. Thank You :) :)
Firstname Refreshme lastname Profile

Oh boy. I'm in. Gotta have it. I'll drink it hot or cold.

My peeve in a restaurant is that the moment you have the right creamer ratio and drinking temp, the wait staff come around with a refill.

5 People thanked the writer.
Dances With  Wolves
Hello Refreshme :) Thank you for your answer . I hope your day was a Blessed one :) Yes i am big time coffee drinker, i usually like coffee in the morning and i like to have a cup around 4-6 p.m. in the late noon or evening :)
Willie B. good Profile
Willie B. good answered

Cream only no sugar........ oh and it's also National hotdog day. :)

awais ali Profile
awais ali answered

Indeed it's a decent day! I drink 3 to 4 mugs early in the day. I switch amongst Folgers and Maxwell House. Truly, I can't differentiate between the two. I go for the Breakfast mix or the Light Meal. I don't care for my espresso solid.


thanked the writer.
Dances With  Wolves
Don't ever spam my question of the day again . Your link is spam i will be sending your name and pictures , links over to the FBI

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