Is today your day? It is May 21st National American Red Cross Founder’s Day, National Waitstaff Day, National Strawberries and Cream Day, and National Memo Day.


7 Answers

Ancient One Profile
Ancient One answered

I am in for all except memo day. I had a boss once who, instead of walking 15 feet across the room or even calling me on the phone would send a memo through distribution. It drove me nuts, specially the time sensitive stuff.

Joyce Hall Profile
Joyce Hall answered

The strawberries and cream is so good and the memes. I write notes to myself all the time on my phone.

Willie B. good Profile
Willie B. good answered

Sounds like a good day to me, I'm in

Dances With  Wolves Profile

I'm in it for America Red Cross very thankful for them and I'm in it for Strawberry and Cream Day . So this is my day count me in :) :) Thank You for Question of the Day :) :)

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