Is today your day? It is May 1st 2020 National Loyalty Day, May Day, National Mother Goose Day, National Chocolate Parfait Day, Law Day, School Principals’ Day, Silver Star Service Banner Day, National Space Day, and School Lunch Hero Day.


5 Answers

Janis Haskell Profile
Janis Haskell answered

What a great day!  I used to love May Day when I was in grade school.  We always participated in a May Pole and decorated with flowers .... Even had a King and Queen of the May! 

Beaumont Maypole Festival | Annual Events

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I'm in. As for Space Day, last night the Starlink satellite train flew over Central Florida. Needless to say there was a lot of commentary on social media. Most people wanted to know what they were seeing. It is supposed to be visible tonight as well.  I set my alarm do I can see it.

It is also national purebred dog day. It is supposed to bring attention to those that responsibly breed purebreds. How they do health testing and protect the look and character traits of a breed. And for those telling people to "adopt, not shop", 25% of dogs in shelters  are purebreds. Skully is a purebred boxer rescue. 

Dances With  Wolves Profile

This looks like a wonderful day, May 1, 2020. Before we know it Summer of 2020 will be in full bloom, not much we can do but wake up to the morning of birds chirping and enjoying the days being longer.

But this day is wonderful for Chocolate, May Day, National Space Day,  the list goes on... Thank you for Question of the Day :)  🙏👼😇

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