If you have worked and have paid into the system and you fall under the guidelines of a good working pattern and have a good reason for the benefit, then you get it. If you go to work and pay into the fund, you should get it when the company you work for closes or … Read more
If you can blame your children for missing work...then yes...they have to pay you. Your children are the only reason they will let you off. But, then you would have discussed this with your employer who cannot fire you if you are not able to get to work because of your children. If you do … Read more
Salads are great with pears and pecan and some Asian Salad Dressing. Also, Pears are good poached in a little wine and brown sugar, make a syrup of Brown Sugar, Cinnamon, Butter and Vanilla (all in small quantities) cooked slowly...slowly until it comes to a nice syrup.  Also will burn your skin so be careful not … Read more