Alex Zorach
Alex Zorach answered question
I have mixed feelings about Christmas. I like the rich, years-old traditions surrounding Christmas, including both religious ones and secular ones (like the Christmas tree).  I like the celebration of Jesus' birth, and I like the spirit of celebration of the winter solstice, and the associated pagan traditions which have fused into Christian traditions to … Read more
Alex Zorach
Alex Zorach answered
There are many ways to control blood pressure naturally.  First, I would recommend against taking medication except as a last resort.  Why?  Blood pressure lowering medication can have potentially dangerous side-effects, and it doesn't address the underlying problems.  If your diet and lifestyle is causing high blood pressure, these factors are likely causing other problems … Read more
Alex Zorach
Alex Zorach answered
The caffeine content of tea depends both on what type of tea you are making, and on how you brew / prepare the tea.  The caffeine content varies widely from one tea to the next.  It generally varies from 15mg to 75mg per 8oz cup, with typical teas being around 40mg, but it can be … Read more
Alex Zorach
Alex Zorach answered question
This is a really broad and general question, but the short answer is that people have different strengths, weaknesses, and abilities in a work setting, and that ideally, management helps the organization as a whole to work more efficiently.  Management is not about power or status, and when it becomes about these things, it ceases … Read more
Alex Zorach
Alex Zorach answered
Green tea contains caffeine, so it's best not to consume it too close to bedtime, but other than that, any time is great for green tea.  The caffeine content of green tea can very fairly widely. My personal experience is that I tend to avoid heavily-caffeinated green teas for about 7 hours before bedtime, and … Read more