First of all, at 14 you probably shouldn't be drinking at all, but I know that wont stop you. But I really hope you don't go out and drink a lot of alcohol, because it can make you REALLY sick, or give you alcohol poisoning. I would suggest, for a 14 yr old of average height and weight, you should only drink about 5 beers. Beers, not liquor, that is on a whole other scale. Just be careful, and watch over your other friends that may be trying to look cool and drink a lot. It only makes people look foolish when they get sloppy drunk.
Well I'm 16 and have been drinking for 3 years, It all really depends mate on how your body handles it. I mean I can drink a case some nights then sometimes I can drink 8 and ill be pretty drunk. Just remember to eat before you go out something fatty and stay away from mixing your drinks as that can be really bad.
I'm 13, I'm not that tall nd it takes me about 4 bottles. Ox
I'm 16. I can do 8 tops. I wouldnt do more than that
That depends on the intake capacity of your body. If you don't get high after 4 or 5 cans then try to drink a bit less of your normal intake.
That depends on your body size and how much you normally drink in the first place. I am 6'5 and start getting a buzz after 6 or 7 beers but I can drink about a case. It just depends on how your body handles it.