
What Is Roughage?


9 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Roughage or Dietary fiber is cellulose (the part of a plant) which cannot be digested by the human intestinal tract. It retains water and improves intestinal function by adding bulk to food. It is a definite necessity for proper digestion and bowel movement. Roughage helps correct large intestine disorders and keeps it functioning normally.  It prevents constipation and hemorrhoids. It (soluble fiber) also reduces blood sugar fluctuations and helps lower cholesterol. Nutritionists recommend 30g of fiber per day (for adults). Wheat grains or whole wheat, legumes, Fresh Fruits, Root Vegetables, oats, Dahlia and Corn-cob are very good sources of roughage.   Fiber is divided into 2 categories i.e. Insoluble and soluble forms. Soluble fiber can dissolve in water whereas insoluble cannot. Soluble fiber is an absorber of cholesterol while insoluble fiber is a good stool-softener. Therefore both are equally important and so it is necessary to include both on a daily basis.   
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Roughage is the fiber content of our diet because adds to our bulk and get rid of undigested you are beep
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Roughage is keeps the intestines running regular :}
Pete (the Idiot) Profile
Roughage is material in the diet that doesn't get digested and comes back out with the stool. It aids in the easier passing of the stool. Roughage us usually the tougher parts of the pants.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The fibrous part of vegetables, fruits and cereals are contains cellulose.
1. It is effective in regulating the process of digestion
2. It prevents constipation!!!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I have to go for a IVP tomorrow morning, I have to eat a light lunch, and a light
dinner without roughage, my question, what do eat?

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