Yes,because lots food gets wasted too.
Yes it should be banned, because we will have complications of over weight loll.
I don't believe so. Participation is on a volunteer basis. It is fun to watch and is a cheap, affordable spectator sport (I fail to see why it is called a sport, but it is). In the grand scheme of things, the food wasted is minimal compared to what one U.S. Family throws out or wastes in a few months time.
Well when you think about, there is really no sport that promotes good health, healthy eating, etc. Most sports are contact sports (football, soccer, rugby, etc.) and many studies are showing that the risks outway the benefits. Other sports that aren't even really contact sports for example (like golf) still result in many people becoming injured every year. Besides what matters in life is that you are happy. If competative eating was your thing and it truly made you happy, then why should we take it away from you? Really what harm is it causing if its making someone happy? So I say no it shouldn't be banned.
Yes because the food is being wasted
Thank you for your question.
No. It is their choice as to what they decide to do. It is probably a turnoff for spectators to see them eating that much if anything.
No. It is their choice as to what they decide to do. It is probably a turnoff for spectators to see them eating that much if anything.
Yeah! I think it's sick!! And have they ever stopped to think of all the people starving out there while they stuff their faces??
No, participation is purely voluntary and the government needs to get smaller, with fewer restrictions, not more. Our personal liberties are already being eroded enough.
I think that it should be cause if like an apple eating contest and you pick up an apple and not know it was rotten you will have very very bad health
No ,it should not be banned ,it's fun to watch ,so that people can enjoy it with laugh in their face.
Yes its very unhealthy and hard on the cardiovascular system
I don't think it should be banned...but should be heavily monitored by medical personnel so the natural signs of bodily distress can be recognised and heeded