Are you a breakfast person? Why or why not


7 Answers

Rooster Cogburn Profile
Rooster Cogburn , Rooster Cogburn, answered

Pretty much I guess. I eat some yogurt first and then some healthy cereal a little later. Not a very exciting breakfast as some I've seen here but it works for me. The most important meal of the day!

Matt Radiance Profile
Matt Radiance answered

Of course, Breakfast is A very important meal (However, All meals are important) We need good energy & freshness to start a good day. So a good breakfast would help us with it. Different factors for breakfast would be good but I always involve fruit with it.

Maggot Boy Profile
Maggot Boy answered

Only if I know I won't have time for lunch I'll have a big breakfast...otherwise I'm just not hungry when I wake up so I'll have brunch instead

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

Not really. I am NOT a morning person, so doing something like making breakfast just seems like too much effort. Brunch is much better for me. Or breakfast food for dinner is one of my favorites!

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

I love breakfast food, not so much first thing in the morning though...around lunch ok! Usually I have yogurt and a grain and fruit bar for breakfast!

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