Thin, Philly style. Not too thin, just right.
This is quite the controversy in Chicago. I prefer deep dish all the way! My husband prefers thin crust, I don't understand why. To me is just like having pizza on a cracker. To each their own. Pizza is good any way you can get it. 🍕
Thin crusted pizza all the way!
Sadly I don't eat carbs these days.
There is no bad crust in which to eat pizza
Thick or thin , both are fine
Thin crust for me. I will eat thick crust pizza, but in order to finish all that extra dough at the end, I will dip it in something.
Thin like an envelope : ) and slightly crisp.
I love thin crust, also less carbs lol
I prefer thin crust pizza.
I like to have pizza with cheese stuffed crust
Thick Crust