Hi Corey. I think it's the type of or different breads used that make it artisan.
What's the difference between a regular sandwich and an artisan sandwich? They don't seem all that different.
Artisan sandwich="a sandwich that we can make look pretty and charge you an arm and a leg for."
An artisan (from French: artisan, Italian: artigiano) is a skilled craft worker who makes or creates things by hand that may be functional or strictly decorative.. So from this Wikipedia definition an "Artisan Sandwich" is made by hand by a skilled sandwich maker. (Or it may be a sandwich decorated by hand by a skilled sandwich maker.. The sprig of parsley on top, or the pickle nicely cut and placed on the sandwich)
"Artisan sandwich" usually means "homemade" bread and "organic" ingredients (no chemicals used on veggies - "free range" meats).