Yellow cake with light chocolate frosting ! Yum ! Especially if the frosting is malted !
German Chocolate made from scratch. No cake mix!! There is something about a scratch made German Chocolate Cake. I think it's the whipped egg whites.
Chocolava cake! Yummm!
My other half's vegetarian chocolate cake
Gimme Chocolate & Vanilla cake anytime! :) of course first check with my doctor cause i can't eat out of my diet routine!!!!

The post mistress in my little town used to make me a chocolate mayonnaise cake with white cream cheese icing every year for my birthday. The cake was almost black and the moistest cake I've ever seen. Alas, she retired and moved to Alaska last year.
Since someone's making it for me, I'll have a nice carrot cake :)
Red Velvet Cake
Persimmon Cake.
Tuxedo cheesecake
Any kind of cake I will be happy with
Fruit cake! It's really hard to find fresh and delicious fruit cake, with fresh fruits I mean. I would like some of that deliciousness ^.^
Strawberry cheesecake.