Do you stress about how much Halloween candy to buy? Don't want lots left over to snack on, don't want to buy too little or the kids mock you.


4 Answers

Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright , Florida Paralegal with a BS degree in Social-Psychology, answered

If any of you guys have any candy leftover , please call me and Ill be more than glad to come and take it off your hands so you wont have to worry about the kids getting into it or gaining weight by eating it.  I only make this sacrifice once a year, well not quite as I like to drop by at Thanksgiving and Christmas where there are lots of leftovers

Luke Reine Profile
Luke Reine answered

Not really. On the days I'm not taking my siblings trick or treating, I hand out candy... When I run out, I go back inside lol

I'm not living at home anymore tho, I'm in an apartment so I wont be handing candy out this year... I'm going to visit my siblings and take them to get candy. If I do buy candy, it'll be for my roommates and I :P

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I don't care if I have any left over or not, I just want to make sure i don't run out. I usually make up little baggies of candy and give them out. If I see I am running short I can just open the baggies and dump them to make it go further. (I have only had to do that once.) I moved to a new house this year and live at the end of a dead end road, so I don't think i will get much traffic this year, but I bought plenty of candy if I do. What is left over I will try to give to family and friends, or i may donate it to a nursing home.

John Doe Profile
John Doe answered

Nah, I don't stress over it, Arthur tries to steal mine anyway!

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