Has anyone eaten fried Okra before? It's been many years since I've seen it available here and I ate a bunch yesterday. Have you ever tried it?


6 Answers

Corey The Goofyhawk Profile
Corey The Goofyhawk , Epic has no limit, answered

I tried it once upon a time. It tasted like fried snot and I never ate it again. My tongue lived happily ever after. The end. I think the real question is, did you enjoy it?

Charles Davis Profile
Charles Davis answered

I eat it as often as I can, I love it, my wife hates it, and I see it everywhere, but I'm working in the Carloinas where it is popular.

PJ Stein Profile
PJ Stein answered

I dated a guy in high school whose mother made the best fried okra! She had some trick to keep it from getting slimy. I have never had any that good since. I wish I could remember what her trick was, because i might attempt t make my own if I could.

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Maurice Korvo
Maurice Korvo commented
Wife says you have to parboil it before putting the batter on, and then fry. (guess you have to know how long to boil so the center remains crisp)
PJ Stein
PJ Stein commented
I found these two tricks online.

A trick for reducing sliminess is to soak the okra in vinegar for half an hour before cooking it. Rinse it and pat dry before cooking. Or, you can pre-cook okra at very high heat by sautéing, roasting, blanching or grilling. Then add cooked okra to your recipe and there will be hardly any slime at all.

There was a third trick if you are using frozen okra, cut it while it is still frozen.

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