Mug and Barq's.

In this pub
They used to sell a beer called GBH (Grievous Bodily Harm) - It was advertised thus:
"GBH scrolls yer nerd"
None of us quite knew what that meant, until we drunk the stuff.

COLD beer is my favorite. Where I grew up, coldbeer was one word.
At 40 I developed an allergies to what keeps it from spoiling, so I was forced to change to bourbon. My favorite beer George Dickel #4 Maple.
Another National Day ? Who comes up with this stuff ?
I haven't found a favoite beer yet. I guess I will have to keep searching. However just about any beer will do if I am sitting on the river eating some hot wings.
dog fish head 90 minute is my favorite.
I am late but tongerlo beer is my favorite.