Well that depends on how 'pure' it is. If it comes from animals that have been genetically or homonally 'improved'.. Then the answer is no .. It is not 'healthy'. It is FAR from healthy. The stuff they do to our food source now days is criminal in my view. As a society we are getting sicker and sicker thanks to the interference that the industry is inflicting on our food source. Everything from livestock to crops are being scientifically manipulated to encourage larger, faster more yielded growth which increases profits but decreases our health. It's shamefull, and disappointing.
Whether dairy products are healthy or not depending on many factors. The first thing is their quality. If you buy a bottle of milk with the expiry date is over, it is not healthy, of course. The second thing is your health condition. If you are getting sick or a cold, you should avoid milk.
As long as you are not lactose intolerant, and you consume them in moderation they are part of a healthy diet.