Chocolate Ice Cream.
If you were going to try to set a record for eating a massive amount of a certain food, what food would you choose?
Rice Krispies. You can eat a bazillion in one bowl.
Soft boiled eggs - they slip down easily.
mcdoubles from mcdonalds. I rarely ever eat mcdonalds but it would be cool just to have 1 day where i can sit back, relax, and gorge on it..
one of these pay days, im gunna order 15 and eat all of them all :D
I am going to go with potato chips. I figure it has to be something I enjoy eating, but since I will probably get sick from eating a huge quantity, it has to be something I won't mind giving up. It may be a good way to break my chip habit.
I don't know if it counts as food, but Nerds candy. Flavorful, plus you can eat a huge amount quickly.
Either garlic parmesan chicken wings or deviled eggs
Smoking cigars count?
Chili and cornbread ! Watch out world !
Cheese Cake of course.
I wouldn't want to eat any massive amount of one food, because it would be guaranteed to make me hate it afterward. And unless I loved the food, I wouldn't be willing to do it in the first place -_-