What is the one food you refuse to eat?


10 Answers

Skip  Gentry Profile
Skip Gentry answered

Liver and onions.

carlos Striker Profile
carlos Striker answered

Boiled bananas.

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Skip  Gentry
Skip Gentry commented
I’ve never heard of it either.
Willie B. good
Willie B. good commented
You haven't heard of it because Carlos was trying to be funny. Hardy har har!!
Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
I believe there is a boiling banana recipe. It's for some sort of "health" reason like cleaning your system or arteries or something. I thought... oh boy! No body better try to sell me ocean front property in Arizona! 😐
Willie B. good Profile
Willie B. good answered

Brussel sprouts yuck!!!!

Mountain  Man Profile
Mountain Man answered


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Mountain  Man
Mountain Man commented
The same with grapes. I can eat them on occasion but I don't like raisins.
Ray  Dart
Ray Dart commented
I like cucumber, unfortunately it does not like me. Even cucumber sandwiches are guaranteed to give me stomach ache.
Mountain  Man
Mountain Man commented
The taste seems to stay with me for a long time Ray. No matter what I eat after them, it still taste like cucumber .
Yin And Yang Profile
Yin And Yang answered

I don't like meat so... There are a lot of things I refuse to eat! 😅 Probably the most shocking to people is pork. 😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝

Haven't had a bite near my lips since I was 4. 😝

Mia Rafnil Profile
Mia Rafnil answered

Durian. Cannot even abide the smell...

Firstname Refreshme lastname Profile

Liver. It's supposed to be good for you. I'm supposed to eat it.

I chewed down 2 bitefuls last week...and that was the extent of my personal improvement challenge. ( yick and yuck )

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Ray  Dart
Ray Dart commented
See my comment to Janis above.......
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Ewe. I saw that. I just cooked some up for my pup. Chopped it and boiled it. Puppy - face loves it.
I have a cold and that's the only way that I think I could have endured the smell of cooking it.
Darren Wolfgang Profile
Darren Wolfgang answered

Cows tongue and when i was young i use to eat it .

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Yin And Yang
Yin And Yang commented
You win! 😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😝😣😷🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐🤐 my lips are sewn shut now. YUCKETH!
Willie B. good
Willie B. good commented
Oh my goodness that has to be the worst. I get the heebie-jeebies just thinking about eating that. :(

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