Yes, chicken soup is pretty good when you have diarrhoea, although it may make things worse if it's too rich. Chicken broth would be a better option, and will give you much needed calories, as well as fluid to rehydrate you. That being said, here's a list of some of the best things to eat if you have been suffering from diarrhoea.

Bananas are an awesome food to eat if you've had an upset stomach. They're full of carbohydrates which will give you back some energy, and they're nice a fibrous which will help to get your bowel function back on the right track.

Oats are full of fibre, which will help to bulk up your stools and get you back to full health. They're also delicious, and you can eat the banana on top of them!
Crackers or toast

Crackers, toast, and maybe even rice are great for those suffering with diarrhoea as they're bland so won't set off another bout of illness.
Here's a video showing you how to get rid of a bout of diarrhoea quickly: