
What Are The Symptoms Of Low Potassium,or Deficiency?


6 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Weakness in the muscles, tingling, trouble breathing, irregular heartbeat, frequent urination and dry mouth, muscle cramps. This is dangerous and can stop your heart or breathing if it gets too low. Potatoes with skins have 4x the potassium as bananas.
Ellie Hoe Profile
Ellie Hoe answered
The signs of low potassium are normally little and sometimes vague. It is not abnormal to have more than 1 sign about the kidneys, muscles, nerves, heart and gastrointestinal region. Some of signs which you might found are weakness or sleepiness, cramps. This cramp sing is at times so severe that it is impossible to move arms or legs. Other symptoms include nausea, itching, depression, fainting due to low blood pressure, constipation and irregular heart beat.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
My potassium was a 3.3, could that cause the tingling, and parts of my body to get cold at times some muscle spasm. Can a b12 defficiency and low potassium combined cause these symptoms as well
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
The only symptom I know about is leg cramps or pain , low potassium.
ray of light Profile
ray of light answered
Potassium is an important slat in our body. It is required in heart beat, muscle contractions. Its normal levels are 3.5 to 5. Below 3.5 is deficiency of potassium called hypokalmia. Use of diuretics, vomiting and diarrhea and impaired renal function can cause potassium deficiency's. Eat bananas.

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