
What Do Canadians Usually Eat?


8 Answers

lakeesha Hennessy Williams Profile
When I last visited my aunt (who lives in Winnipeg) I was surprised to find that there is a whole bunch of food that Canadians call their own!

I was always under the impression that Canadians ate pretty much the same thing as us Americans did, and probably 90% of the time that is true.

But Canada also has its own regional dishes and flavors, and let me tell you know, they are seriously tasty!

Canadian Cuisine

Like any other country, Canada has a list of dishes that it can proudly call its own.

These dishes are influenced by:

  • Natural resources of Canada
  • Colonial history of the country
  • Regional influences
I also find that, in colder climates, people tend to eat heartier food. This is certainly true of some of the northern states like Minnesota and Montana.

What Canadians eat

Firstly, you should be aware that most of what Canadians eat is recognizable to the rest of the world. They have KFC and Pizzas and BBQ wings and all the type of food you'd find anywhere in the world.

But the dishes that set Canada apart are probably what you are more interested in.

  • French cuisine is a big influence (just like it is in Louisiana).
It is primarily eaten in the province of Quebec in Canada. It has a unique Canadian flavour which sets it apart from its European equivalent.

French dishes such as the 'poutine' can be found all over Canada. The traditional French foods, which are a throwback to the colonial era, are served in the Atlantic provinces of Canada.

  • Canada is the world's largest producer of maple syrup
Most of the maple syrup produced in Canada comes from the province of Quebec.

  • Native (aboriginal) Canadian food includes the extensive use of the meat of animals such as deer (venison), the buffalo and the pheasant.
Hand-picked wild rice with black husks is used to prepare the rice-based dishes which are a staple diet mainly in the provinces of Ontario and Manitoba.

Beer, wine and spirits are the most popular beverages drunk by Canadians.
Also, Canadian Club is a great type of whisky (they spell it differently).
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Bacon, ham , deer and liver.
They eat with their hands and knives. They also eat in large groups.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Tim Hortin's restaurant is a good place to go to try Canadian food.

He was a hockey player from Canada who opened a Canadian food restaurant . 
They have such Canadian staples as donuts and ham and cheese sandwiches, along with Canadian beverages such as coffee, and tea.

Food is served in the traditional Canadian manner through a drive-up window, as well as the American, sit down table method. 

Servers speak both Canadian and American, they are bilingual. 

Unlike French Canadian restaurants, forks and spoons are used, so it is not necessary to eat all food with knives and fingers alone.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
No, they do not. They eat polar bears, beaver, skunk, reindeer, woodchuck, moose, whale breast, squirrel, muskrat, porcupine, caribou...
none of your buisness dont ask Profile
I am Canadian and we eat anything!!! Pizza, chinese food, perogies, steak, beef jerky, carrots, McDonalds, pickles- you name it, we eat it!
John Profile
John answered
Moose burgers and tater tots!

I would guess they eat the same foods 99 percent of the world eats - since we have trade all over the world and different foods have been made and sold by stores and fast food places for over 40-60 years.

Some "Canadian" foods are wild blueberries and Saskatoon berries, fiddlehead greens, mussels, caribou, bison, salmon, wild rice, maple syrup, and locally produced wine and ice wine, beer, and cheeses.

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