Look up the website familyfun.com they have lots of great ideas on their site. I found a simple pattern on there for my friends daughter who is also "pig- crazy" these days!! So, of course that is what she wants for her cake!:) I think it is a very cute pattern and easy to make with what you already have on hand.
How Can I Make A "Pig" Cake For My Grand-daughter? She Loves Pigs And I Can't Find A Pig-shaped Cake Pan.
If you have a walmart they sometimes have them. Arts and craft stores like michaels if you have them are great for things like that or you could try the internet and see. A good web site is ebay. Type in your request
Use littler pans
You should use a cake pan in the shape of a pig.
Cut it into a pig shape
Why don't you just have the bakery to fix it up for you. Like a pig..I love pigs my Self..I'm sure they can.. I hope she gets her little pig cake.. Good luck..
They make stencil like things that you can actually bake your cake in, and it will come out in that shape. It is an actual pan. Other than that, you can just cut it out after its baked lol but it probably won't come out as good!