The main similarity that resonates in McDonald’s customers and employees is the need for quick and easy fast food. One of the reasons why McDonald’s has become such a huge franchise and has restaurants in all parts of the world is because of its efficiency and productivity of quick meals. Major cities are usually fast paced and full of people with busy working lives, and McDonald’s offers the ideal fast food for someone on the go or having a quick lunch break. In terms of the type of food McDonald’s serve, you could argue that it is typically American, however, due to the major influence the United States has over other cultures such as the United Kingdom, burgers and fries have become somewhat part of normal cuisine.
Another similarity is the McDonald’s theme and layout as a restaurant. It is instantly recognisable as all the restaurants around the globe possess a very similar and generic look, which sticks in the mind of the consumer. In addition, when travelling to different countries, McDonald’s offers a safe haven for those that do not wish to indulge in local cuisine.
However, it is important to consider how McDonald’s is viewed in Asia. In Japan specifically, the huge American franchise is not very popular mainly because Japanese culture does not tend to celebrate eating meals quickly and individually. In order to cement itself into the Japanese culture, McDonald’s introduced menu items such as rice and fried egg burgers to encourage customers. Moreover, the layout of the McDonald’s restaurant which includes stools and individual tables doesn’t adhere to the Japanese ideal of sitting around a table with people in dining situations. The franchise adapted to this and it has grown more popular in Asia, however it does show that there are differences within various cultures.