Can you die from drinking too much water?


7 Answers

Duane Bryant Profile
Duane Bryant answered
DEFINITELY!!!  Google "water intoxication"
max atwood Profile
max atwood answered
Yes you can. Drinking too much water can lead to body tissues swelling up from trying to absorb the water. The brain takes allot of it and leads to menengitis or brain swelling. This can cause seizures and the amount of water you would need to consume would make you throw up  and exscesive vomiting can lead to vasoconstriction and cause a heart attack. This happened in a college hazing ritual in a fraternity. The one of the two kids died.
joan saviour Profile
joan saviour answered
Drowning ?
jessica louise Profile
jessica louise answered
Don't think so :L
Arthur Wright Profile
Arthur Wright answered
Yes you can die from whats called water poisoning or drinking way too much water which is different from drowning which fills your lungs with water
Brittany Schlatt Profile
Oh yeah, a lot like drowning yourself, like Arthur says, in your lungs. There have been ases reported and one on the radio, a girl died did it from doing a game with it.

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