
Do Fast Food Restaurants Do More Harm Than Good?


13 Answers

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes because they cause health problems
Jason Levy Profile
Jason Levy answered

Yes, fast food cause many health problems like diabetes, and getting fat. So avoid it as much as you can,

Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
It depends if you eat it like everyday. Its ok to eat out like a few times a month. Yes it has a lot of grease but so do other foods
Jacquelyn Mathis Profile
Of course, unless they are using fat free everything, and sugar free everything, and all natural foods. I mean, with all the additives it the foods they use aren't good for you, this goes for things other than just burgers or stuff like that, there is also the deserts, or ice creams, that are also made with artificial stuff in them. No, not good for you.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I feel they are doing more harm as the food is not as good as you can get at home. If you have a garden you can grow food very cheaply and shopping for the rest is not a chore. Teaching children to cook helps them to learn good eating habits and how to economise.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes they are- they gave my friend diabetes and I don't know if that is the only reason. But they ate fast food for 1 week and they went to the doc. The next monday and he had diabetes.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
I think they r not because some of their food mostly all you can taste is oil.  you even feel like you r gulping down the oil and grease
G Hernandez Profile
G Hernandez answered
Lol, of course they are. But it's a way of life now.  We are all so busy doing way too much though that most of us would probably starve if not for fast food.  By the way, I'm on my way to Mickey D's.... Anyone want something?

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