
What Are The Advantages Of Drinking Milk?


9 Answers

Swetha N Profile
Swetha N answered
Milk provides calcium to the body. This helps in keeping the bones stronger. Warm milk in night gives peaceful and dreamless sleep which will keep the mind and bosy energised when waked up next day.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Stronger bones + stronger teeth because milk contains calcium which every person needs.
Will Martin Profile
Will Martin answered
Milk, along with other dairy products like cheese and yogurt, are a good source of calcium, which is needed to form healthy bones and teeth.

The benefits of drinking milk
Half a liter of milk a day should give the body all the calcium it needs. Milk also contains:

  • Animal protein,
  • Vitamin E,
  • Omega 3 essential fatty acids,
  • Important minerals (including magnesium, zinc and potassium).
Recent studies suggest that drinking milk in moderation can help prevent osteoporosis and heart disease. All this applies equally to full-cream, skimmed and semi-skimmed milk, although the last two are recommended as they obviously contain less fat.

Do I have to drink milk to get calcium?
All the benefits of drinking milk can be obtained from other sources too: Leafy vegetables and some oily fish contain calcium, for example - and, because there are health concerns about over-consumption of dairy products, this may in fact be a healthier way to get your required calcium.

In particular, too much milk is associated with high cholesterol levels and weight problems.
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Drinking warm milk before bed can make all your nerves and muscles relax. It can also make your hair a lot stronger. So, go drink some milk!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
You grow. Your bones get healthier!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Actually, none.

Human adults don't need any milk at all to remain healthy, and there are far richer sources of calcium available such as leafy green veg, pulses, nuts, seeds, oily fish, tofu...the list really does go on .

So, if you don't like it, don't drink it! I myself have never touched the stuff for this reason, not even as a child, and I'm fine!
Anonymous Profile
Anonymous answered
Yes, it's OK to drink milk, but make a balance. Too much milk leads to weight problems.

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