Honey is very often used as an alternative to sugar, which, from a calorie counting perspective, may seem a little odd because at 64 calories per tablespoon, honey has significantly more calories than sugar.
Although they are both sweeteners, and contain glucose and fructose, they are very different from each other. In sugar, the glucose and fructose are linked together, whereas in honey they are completely separate from each other, and that makes a difference.
Some people have a greater intolerance to glucose than others, some diabetics are a prime example, and so they tolerate honey far better than they do sugar, and in clinical studies, some people have actually shown an improvement in their health through replacing sugar with honey.
Another huge difference between honey and sugar is their nutritional make-up. Sugar may improve the flavour of lots of things but basically it is empty calories with no benefits. Unprocessed honey, on the other hand has significant levels of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and powerful antioxidants, which have been linked to fighting serious illnesses like cancer and heart disease. In fact, honey contains as many antioxidants as many fruits.
If you are fighting a battle with your weight, then consider replacing any sugar that you use with honey, there may be more calories in the honey, but it is a lot sweeter so you will probably find that you use a lot less of it, and it is a healthier option.
Although they are both sweeteners, and contain glucose and fructose, they are very different from each other. In sugar, the glucose and fructose are linked together, whereas in honey they are completely separate from each other, and that makes a difference.
Some people have a greater intolerance to glucose than others, some diabetics are a prime example, and so they tolerate honey far better than they do sugar, and in clinical studies, some people have actually shown an improvement in their health through replacing sugar with honey.
Another huge difference between honey and sugar is their nutritional make-up. Sugar may improve the flavour of lots of things but basically it is empty calories with no benefits. Unprocessed honey, on the other hand has significant levels of vitamins, minerals, amino acids and powerful antioxidants, which have been linked to fighting serious illnesses like cancer and heart disease. In fact, honey contains as many antioxidants as many fruits.
If you are fighting a battle with your weight, then consider replacing any sugar that you use with honey, there may be more calories in the honey, but it is a lot sweeter so you will probably find that you use a lot less of it, and it is a healthier option.