The reason certain foods are spicy is mainly do to a molecule called
capsaicin. Capsaicin is the main compound in chile peppers that give them their spice and is found in many hot sauces as well. Capsaicin is an irritant, which is what causes the burning feeling.
In order to reduce the burning sensation, eat fatty foods such as buttered toast or drinks like milk. Capsaicin is not soluble in water, so drinking water won't help to reduce the burning sensation after you stop drinking. Capsaicin is very soluble in pure al cohol, so drinking certain high al cohol content b eers, like pale ales, or wine should help a little be more than plain water. Even better yet, mouth wash is usually about 20% al cohol, which is much higher
than all b eer and wines. Rinsing with this may be your best and quickest bet.
So I've Read.
Good luck with the science fair! And Don't use al cohol in the project, that was included for reference only :)
capsaicin. Capsaicin is the main compound in chile peppers that give them their spice and is found in many hot sauces as well. Capsaicin is an irritant, which is what causes the burning feeling.
In order to reduce the burning sensation, eat fatty foods such as buttered toast or drinks like milk. Capsaicin is not soluble in water, so drinking water won't help to reduce the burning sensation after you stop drinking. Capsaicin is very soluble in pure al cohol, so drinking certain high al cohol content b eers, like pale ales, or wine should help a little be more than plain water. Even better yet, mouth wash is usually about 20% al cohol, which is much higher
than all b eer and wines. Rinsing with this may be your best and quickest bet.
So I've Read.
Good luck with the science fair! And Don't use al cohol in the project, that was included for reference only :)