
Describe The Growth Of Baking In The Philippines?


1 Answers

Meg Hayes Profile
Meg Hayes answered

It is believed by many people, both historians and experts, that baking was first introduced to the Philippines by Spanish missionaries who brought over the concept when exploring the country during the 17th century, how late or early this was is unknown.

It is also thought that baking could not be introduced to a country because many of the indigenous people who already lived there had come up with their own methods of baking. Some people suggest that it was modern methods of baking that were introduced to the Philippines and their people.

  • · Chinese influence.

However, it is the belief of some people, and this theory seems to be the one that is most popular on the Internet, is that baking was introduced to the Philippines by Mr. Aquaver Natividad Uy. He was a Chinese - Filipino man who had quite a wild imagination when it came to baking.

He first began to cultivate wheat in China until he became part of the Roman Bakers, and therefore a certified baking master. Uy had heard about the Philippines and their lack of development in baking so he traveled there himself and set about spread the art of baking around the Philippines.

It is also believed that Mr Uy began his introduction of baking into the Philippines around the year 1992.

Until this time, it is thought that the Filipino people had very little to do with baking, although it is unlikely that they had not heard of it at all, otherwise how would they have gone about baking bread etc. By the phrase introducing baking, most people probably mean modern baking such as cakes and pastries rather than basic bread.

Indigenous tribes of the Philippines would already have their own methods of baking, most likely using hot stones and over open fires.

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