
I'm looking for foods to lower my iron count. What are some examples?


3 Answers

Cyber Tooth Tiger Profile

Lowering your Iron count can be crucial on ones body least i would think so unless your body makes too much Iron than if so you need see your PCP or General Practioner to see what choices they can make for you

Lea Andersen Profile
Lea Andersen answered

You can affect the levels of iron absorbed into your bloodstream by adjusting the foods you eat, but before you make any changes, be sure you're getting the amount needed to maintain optimal health. 

Iron is crucial to many life-sustaining processes and you shouldn't purposefully lower your levels without first consulting your health care provider. In addition, eggs and milk are just two of the foods that can help people decrease the iron count in your body.

Lynn Blakeman Profile
Lynn Blakeman answered

Eating dairy will lower your iron count, so milk, yogurt, cheese, etc... should make a difference.

Also, drinks containing tannins will lower iron intake during mealtimes, so therefore tea or coffee with meals is also good, especially green tea which has many other health benefits!

Here's an important warning though: if you eat a meal rich in iron and then drink tea or coffee later it actually does the opposite, and increases absorption, so you might want to bear that in mind.

Curcumin is also said to lower iron levels. Curcumin is a diarylheptanoid and is the main component (or curcuminoid) of turmeric which as you know is a spice and the main ingredient in curry powder.

Legumes, grains and soybeans will reduce iron intake, as does sardines, tinned salmon, broccoli, figs, almonds, turnips and rhubarb.

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